
Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Closet Is For Clothes

It's time to talk about that room that we all have that always seems to get the better of us; the closet.  Yesterday I decided to venture into my own closet and to quote Joan Crawford in Mommy Dearest "clean up this mess"!  Why do closets become a vortex for things that have nothing to do with fashion?  I mean the things I found in my closet would leave you wondering why did you have that in there in the first place.  I think it has to do with the fact that a closet is the easiest place to store items in a hurry.  Let's say when unexpected guests come by to visit.  Just throw it in the closet and worry about it later.  After much work and four hours later I managed to turn a non walk-in closet to a walk-in closet.

How often should you clean out your closet?  Many people have many theories on the subject.  Some people think that every couple of years you should clean it.  Others have said every year and some have said every 6 months.  Then there are those who are die hard fashionistas that say every season is sufficient.  There has always been that cardinal rule that if you haven't worn it in a year toss it out.  I on the other hand grow attached to clothes because they have sentimental value.  MOCA could have done a whole fashion retrospective with the stuff I held on to.  Ultimately I had to let go of the past and think about fashion forward.

So my advise to you is go through your closet and really look at the things you have and ask yourself "do I really need this".  The great thing about fashion is it's constantly changing and evolving and sometimes things do come back.  For instance there is a resurgence of 1970's clothes on the runway this year.  Depending on the look, you might want to replay that again.  I'm still holding onto my platforms and angel flight pants hoping to give them life once again.  Last year it was 1980's look that swept the runways.  Again, I'm holding on to my Member's Only jacket because you never know.  Fall and Winter are upon us so rotate your summer attire with your jackets, sweaters, scarves and boots.  It will feel like you went shopping without having  to put a dent in your wallet. 

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